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[영문/중문] 해외여행 시, 빈대 이렇게 예방하세요!
  • 작성일2023-12-01
  • 최종수정일2023-12-04
  • 작성자검역정책과
  • 연락처043-719-9208

<영문 번역본_3단접지 리플릿 시안>

(front) How to detect bed bugs They appear only when feeding and hide in dark hiding spots after Daytime detection methods Welts that appear in a linear or circular pattern of 2 to 3 bites in a row Look for reddish-brown bed bug droppings, blood stains, or shed skin Detect live bed bugs or check for signs like eggs, casings, and droppings Nighttime detection methods Shine a flashlight in a dark room to spot bed bugs scurrying away Do a thorough inspection of the corners of beds and mattress crevices Follow these bed bug prevention guides for a healthy trip! How to prevent bed bugs when traveling abroad(back) What is a bed bug? Belongs to the family Cimicidae in the order Hemiptera Adult bed bugs are about 5 to 6mm long, flat, oval-shaped, and are dark brown Usually live on beds and feed on people’s blood at night. (A) Male dorsal view (B) Female ventral view (C) Adult (D) Egg (E) First-stage nymph (F) Casings at different stages (G) Different stages of growth When bitten by a bed bug… May cause itching and secondary skin infections In rare cases, can cause anaphylaxis, leading to high fever and inflammatory reactions Mainly feed at night (especially early morning), disrupting sleep When bitten, wash the area with soap and water and consult a doctor or pharmacist for treatment and medication according to the symptoms To prevent bed bugs… As soon as you arrive at your accommodation, inspect bed bug hiding spots (bed, mattress, sofa crevices, parts adjacent to walls) Keep your luggage off the floor or bed even if bed bugs are not visible If you have been around a bed bug during travel, thoroughly disinfect all travel items

<중문 번역본_3단접지 리플릿 시안>

寻找臭虫的方法 臭虫只有在吸血时出来,吸血后躲藏在暗处 昼间检查方法 臭虫连续叮咬两三处,留下直线或圆形的叮咬痕迹 寻找红褐色的臭虫排泄物、血液残留、蜕皮残骸等 用肉眼看见臭虫或者寻找臭虫的分泌物、排泄物等痕迹 夜间检查方法 在黑暗的房间中,突然用手电筒照射,可以找到为躲在暗处而移动的臭虫 尤其要检查床铺边缘和床垫缝隙 好好遵守臭虫防治措施,安全健康出游! 出境游需注意防范臭虫!什么是臭虫? 臭虫是半翅目臭虫科昆虫 成虫体长5-6毫米,虫体呈扁平的卵圆形,体色是深褐色 主要栖息在床铺等处,到了晚上人在睡觉时出来吸食人类血液 (A) 雄性背板 (B) 雌性腹板 (C) 成虫 (D) 卵 (E) 第一龄期若虫 (F) 每龄期蜕皮后的空壳 (G) 每发育过程的形态 如果被臭虫叮咬…… 会出现皮肤瘙痒症状,导致皮肤二次感染 很少会出现过敏反应,引起高烧和炎症 臭虫主要在晚上(尤其在凌晨)吸食人类血液,干扰睡眠 如果被臭虫叮咬,先用水和肥皂冲洗后,向医生或药师咨询适合症状的疗法和处方药 如何防治臭虫... 在访问住宿设施时,立即检查臭虫的藏身地 (床铺、床垫、沙发等的缝隙、与墙面接触的部分) 即使您看不到臭虫,也要避免把行李放在地上或保管在床上 如果您在旅途中遇到臭虫,应对旅游行李进行彻底消毒

※ 빈대 예방수칙 인쇄용 X-배너(국문) 시안도 첨부해 드리니, 필요 시 다운로드하여 사용하시기 바랍니다.

본 공공저작물은 공공누리  출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다 본 공공저작물은 공공누리 "출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지" 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.