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Research outcome analysis using human bioresources distributed by the National Biobank of Korea
  • Date2017-05-31 09:39
  • Update2017-05-31 09:39
  • DivisionDivision of Strategic Planning for Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Tel043-719-7271

Research outcome analysis using human bioresources distributed by the National Biobank of Korea
Division of Biobank for Health Sciences, Center for Genome Science, NIH, CDC
Park Seul-ki, Park Hye-Kyoung, Kim Young-Yul, Kwon Donghyok

The National Biobank of Korea (NBK) collects bioresources and analyzes the utilization of all bioresources it distributed in order to accomplish the following: establish the efficient management system of research outcomes; understand research outcome using distributed bioresources; and improve the management of utilization performance. During the period 2003 to 2016, NBK distributed bioresources to 515 research projects. The distributed bioresources were biospecimens (417,314 vials), genetic information (369 sets), and epidemiologic information (453 sets). The outcome from using these bioresources were 317 publications (SCI/SCIE 272, Non-SCI/E 45), 21 domestic patents (15 applications, 6 registrations) and 1 international patent(application). By expanding the distribution of body fluid resources (sera and plasma) this year, it is expected that development of new drugs and diagnostic methods would be achieved. In addition, by using the newly opened ‘Distribution Desk and Utilization Performance Management System’, the distribution and utilization performance could be managed more systematically.
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