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Call Center
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KDCA Call Center (1339)
For more information on diseases or to report infectious disease cases,please call 1339.
- Provide information and guidelines on major infectious diseases (MERS, Zika, etc.)
- Provide information on infectious diseases that can affect overseas travelers
- Provide information on travel vaccinations
- Provide information on the methods of preventing, and the standards and process of reporting, notifiable infectious diseases
- Provide other KDCA information and connects you to a person in charge
How to Use
Service Hours
KDCA Call Center is available 24/7/365.
All the services are toll free only in Korea (international rates are charged outside of Korea).
Call-back Service
You will be offered a callback when all lines are busy. Please leave your number.
For Foreigners
Please call 1345 (Immigration Contact Center) operated by the Ministry of Justice.
- Service Hours : 09:00-22:00
- Language : Korean, Chinese, English (09:00-18:00), Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Mongolian, Indonesian/Malay, French, Bengali, Urdu, Russian, Nepali, Khmer, Burmese, German, Spanish, Filipino, Arabic, Sinhala
From Overseas
Please call +82-2-2633-1339, +82-2-2163-5945
KDCA Call Center Logo and Slogan (Downloadable)
Logo (Korean)

Logo (English, Two Types)
