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[대응지침9-2판] 코로나19 자가격리대상자 생활수칙(21개 언어)
  • 작성일2020-10-10
  • 최종수정일2020-10-12
  • 작성자대변인
  • 연락처043-719-7797

※ 홍보자료 파일(png, pdf, ai)은 하단 '첨부'에 있습니다.

※ 본 자료의 상업적 이용(상품화, 판매행위 등)을 절대 금합니다.

※ 본 시안(소스 포함)을 코로나19 예방홍보 목적이 아닌 타 콘텐츠 개발 용도로의 사용을 절대 금합니다.

"감염병 사례정의 및 발생동향 등에 따라 홍보자료가 최신본으로 지속적 업데이트 될 수 있음을 알려드립니다."

  - 자주 확인하시어, 최신 홍보자료를 활용해주세요. -

지역사회 예방 협력 및 감염병 확산 차단을 위한 관심과 동참에 감사드립니다.


질병관리본부 KCDC 자가격리대상자 생활수칙 코로나19 대응지침 제9-2판 부록3 감염 전파 방지를 위해 격리장소 외에 외출 금지 자가격리 장소에 외부인(함께 살지 않는 가족 포함)의 방문도 금지 *특수한 경우(돌봄서비스, 방문간호 등) 관할 보건소(담당 공무원)와 연락 후 방문하기 *자가격리대상자는 감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률*에 따라 감염 전파 방지를 위해 격리에 협조해주시길 바랍니다. 제79조3(벌칙)에 따라 1년 이하의 징역 또는 1천만원 이하의 벌금에 처할 수 있습니다. 독립된 공간에서 혼자 생활하기 방문을 닫을 채 창문을 열어 자주 환기 시키기 식사는 혼자서 하기 가능한 혼자만 사용할 수 있는 화장실과 세면대가 있는 공간 사용하기 (공용으로 사용 시, 사용 후 락스 등 가정용 소독제로 소독하기) 진료 등 외출이 불가피할 경우 반드시 관할 보건소(담당공무원)에 먼저 연락하기 가족 또는 동거인의 대화 등 접촉하지 않기 불가피할 경우, 얼굴을 맞대지 않고 마스크를 쓴 채 서로 2m이상 거리 두기 가족 또는 함께 거주하는 사람이 있는 경우 자가격리대상자 포함, 거주자 전원이 항상 마스크를 착용하는 것이 원칙 (다만, 집 안에서 서로 독립된 공간에 있을 시에는 마스크 미착용 가능) 개인물품(개인용 수건, 식기류, 휴대전화 등) 사용하기 의복 및 침구류 단독세탁 식기류 등 별도 분리하여 깨끗이 씻기 전 다른 사람 사용 금지 건강수칙 지키기 손씻기, 손소독 등 개인위생 철저히 준수 기침이 날 경우 반드시 마스크 착용 마스크가 없을 경우 옷소매로 입과 코를 가려 기침하기, 기침 후 손씻기 손소독하기 자가격리자 안전보호앱 의무적으로 설치 *자가격리 중 격리 장소의 무단이탈 등 격리 조치에 따르지 않을 경우 앱과 연동되는 손목 안심밴드를 착용하여야 하며 이를 거부할 경우 시설격리 조치되고, 격리 조치 위반자가 앱 설치를 거부하거나 휴대전화가 없는 경우에도 즉시 시설격리 조치됩니다.(시설이용 비용은 자부담 할 수 있음) 자가모니터링 방법 호흡기증상 등 감염 증상이 나타나는지 스스로 건강상태 확인 매일 아침, 저녁으로 체온 측정하기 보건소(담당공무원)에서 1일 1회 이상 연락 시, 감염 증상 알려주기 능동감시 기간 동안 관할 보건소(담당공무원)가 연락하여 증상 등을 확인할 예정입니다. 확진환자와 접촉 후 14일이 결과하는 날까지 자가모니터링하여 주시기 바랍니다. 코로나바이러스감염증-19 주요 증상 발열(37.5도 이상) 기침 호흡곤란 오한 근육통 두통 인후통 후각 미각 손실 폐렴 등 2020.08.20.

SELF-QUARANTINE GUIDELINES Appendix 3 to COVID-19 Response Guidelines 9-2 Edition Do not leave the designated quarantine area. Visitors are not allowed in self-quarantine area. This includes family members who do not live with you. ※ For special circumstances such as caregiver visits, contact your public health center officer first ※ Please comply with quarantine rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Under Article 79-3 (Penalty Provisions) of Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act, quarantine violation is punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year or by a fine not exceeding KRW 10 million. Make sure your living space is physically separated from others Ventilate your room frequently by opening the window with the door closed Eat alone Use a separate bathroom and sink if possible (Shared bathrooms and sinks must be disinfected with a home disinfectant such as chlorine bleach after use) If you need to leave your quarantine area for an essential reason such as getting medical care, contact your public health center officer first. Avoid all forms of contact (conversation included) with other people in your household. If such contact is unavoidable, keep a 2-meter distance, wear a mask, and face away from each other. If there are other people living with you, make sure that everyone in your household wears a mask at home at all times. (You can take off your mask if you are in complete physical isolation from other household members.) Use your own personal items such as towels, tableware, mobile phones, etc. Wash your clothes and bedding separately from other people's laundry. Wash your tableware separately from other people's items before letting other people use your items. Follow personal health and hygiene guidelines. Strictly maintain personal hygiene including washing or disinfecting your hands well. If you have coughs, make sure to wear a mask. If you do not have a mask, cover your mouth and nose with your sleeves when coughing. Wash or disinfect your hands after coughing. Install Self-Quarantine Safety and Protection app on your phone ※If you do not own a mobile phone or refuse to install the app, you will be quarantined at a facility. ※If you violate self-quarantine rules, such as leaving the quarantine area, you will be required to wear a Safety Band. This wristband will wirelessly connect to the Self-Quarantine Safety and Protection app. If you refuse to wear a Safety Band, you will be quarantined at a facility.

SELF-QUARANTINE GUIDELINES Appendix 3 to COVID-19 Response Guidelines 9-2 Edition Do not leave the designated quarantine area. Visitors are not allowed in self-quarantine area. This includes family members who do not live with you. ※ For special circumstances such as caregiver visits, contact your public health center officer first ※ Please comply with quarantine rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Under Article 79-3 (Penalty Provisions) of Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act, quarantine violation is punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year or by a fine not exceeding KRW 10 million. Make sure your living space is physically separated from others Ventilate your room frequently by opening the window with the door closed Eat alone Use a separate bathroom and sink if possible (Shared bathrooms and sinks must be disinfected with a home disinfectant such as chlorine bleach after use) If you need to leave your quarantine area for an essential reason such as getting medical care, contact your public health center officer first. Avoid all forms of contact (conversation included) with other people in your household. If such contact is unavoidable, keep a 2-meter distance, wear a mask, and face away from each other. If there are other people living with you, make sure that everyone in your household wears a mask at home at all times. (You can take off your mask if you are in complete physical isolation from other household members.) Use your own personal items such as towels, tableware, mobile phones, etc. Wash your clothes and bedding separately from other people's laundry. Wash your tableware separately from other people's items before letting other people use your items. Follow personal health and hygiene guidelines. Strictly maintain personal hygiene including washing or disinfecting your hands well. If you have coughs, make sure to wear a mask. If you do not have a mask, cover your mouth and nose with your sleeves when coughing. Wash or disinfect your hands after coughing. Install Self-Quarantine Safety and Protection app on your phone ※If you do not own a mobile phone or refuse to install the app, you will be quarantined at a facility. ※If you violate self-quarantine rules, such as leaving the quarantine area, you will be required to wear a Safety Band. This wristband will wirelessly connect to the Self-Quarantine Safety and Protection app. If you refuse to wear a Safety Band, you will be quarantined at a facility.

SELF-QUARANTINE GUIDELINES Appendix 3 to COVID-19 Response Guidelines 9-2 Edition Do not leave the designated quarantine area. Visitors are not allowed in self-quarantine area. This includes family members who do not live with you. ※ For special circumstances such as caregiver visits, contact your public health center officer first ※ Please comply with quarantine rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Under Article 79-3 (Penalty Provisions) of Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act, quarantine violation is punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year or by a fine not exceeding KRW 10 million. Make sure your living space is physically separated from others Ventilate your room frequently by opening the window with the door closed Eat alone Use a separate bathroom and sink if possible (Shared bathrooms and sinks must be disinfected with a home disinfectant such as chlorine bleach after use) If you need to leave your quarantine area for an essential reason such as getting medical care, contact your public health center officer first. Avoid all forms of contact (conversation included) with other people in your household. If such contact is unavoidable, keep a 2-meter distance, wear a mask, and face away from each other. If there are other people living with you, make sure that everyone in your household wears a mask at home at all times. (You can take off your mask if you are in complete physical isolation from other household members.) Use your own personal items such as towels, tableware, mobile phones, etc. Wash your clothes and bedding separately from other people's laundry. Wash your tableware separately from other people's items before letting other people use your items. Follow personal health and hygiene guidelines. Strictly maintain personal hygiene including washing or disinfecting your hands well. If you have coughs, make sure to wear a mask. If you do not have a mask, cover your mouth and nose with your sleeves when coughing. Wash or disinfect your hands after coughing. Install Self-Quarantine Safety and Protection app on your phone ※If you do not own a mobile phone or refuse to install the app, you will be quarantined at a facility. ※If you violate self-quarantine rules, such as leaving the quarantine area, you will be required to wear a Safety Band. This wristband will wirelessly connect to the Self-Quarantine Safety and Protection app. If you refuse to wear a Safety Band, you will be quarantined at a facility.

SELF-QUARANTINE GUIDELINES Appendix 3 to COVID-19 Response Guidelines 9-2 Edition Do not leave the designated quarantine area. Visitors are not allowed in self-quarantine area. This includes family members who do not live with you. ※ For special circumstances such as caregiver visits, contact your public health center officer first ※ Please comply with quarantine rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Under Article 79-3 (Penalty Provisions) of Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act, quarantine violation is punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year or by a fine not exceeding KRW 10 million. Make sure your living space is physically separated from others Ventilate your room frequently by opening the window with the door closed Eat alone Use a separate bathroom and sink if possible (Shared bathrooms and sinks must be disinfected with a home disinfectant such as chlorine bleach after use) If you need to leave your quarantine area for an essential reason such as getting medical care, contact your public health center officer first. Avoid all forms of contact (conversation included) with other people in your household. If such contact is unavoidable, keep a 2-meter distance, wear a mask, and face away from each other. If there are other people living with you, make sure that everyone in your household wears a mask at home at all times. (You can take off your mask if you are in complete physical isolation from other household members.) Use your own personal items such as towels, tableware, mobile phones, etc. Wash your clothes and bedding separately from other people's laundry. Wash your tableware separately from other people's items before letting other people use your items. Follow personal health and hygiene guidelines. Strictly maintain personal hygiene including washing or disinfecting your hands well. If you have coughs, make sure to wear a mask. If you do not have a mask, cover your mouth and nose with your sleeves when coughing. Wash or disinfect your hands after coughing. Install Self-Quarantine Safety and Protection app on your phone ※If you do not own a mobile phone or refuse to install the app, you will be quarantined at a facility. ※If you violate self-quarantine rules, such as leaving the quarantine area, you will be required to wear a Safety Band. This wristband will wirelessly connect to the Self-Quarantine Safety and Protection app. If you refuse to wear a Safety Band, you will be quarantined at a facility.

SELF-QUARANTINE GUIDELINES Appendix 3 to COVID-19 Response Guidelines 9-2 Edition Do not leave the designated quarantine area. Visitors are not allowed in self-quarantine area. This includes family members who do not live with you. ※ For special circumstances such as caregiver visits, contact your public health center officer first ※ Please comply with quarantine rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Under Article 79-3 (Penalty Provisions) of Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act, quarantine violation is punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year or by a fine not exceeding KRW 10 million. Make sure your living space is physically separated from others Ventilate your room frequently by opening the window with the door closed Eat alone Use a separate bathroom and sink if possible (Shared bathrooms and sinks must be disinfected with a home disinfectant such as chlorine bleach after use) If you need to leave your quarantine area for an essential reason such as getting medical care, contact your public health center officer first. Avoid all forms of contact (conversation included) with other people in your household. If such contact is unavoidable, keep a 2-meter distance, wear a mask, and face away from each other. If there are other people living with you, make sure that everyone in your household wears a mask at home at all times. (You can take off your mask if you are in complete physical isolation from other household members.) Use your own personal items such as towels, tableware, mobile phones, etc. Wash your clothes and bedding separately from other people's laundry. Wash your tableware separately from other people's items before letting other people use your items. Follow personal health and hygiene guidelines. Strictly maintain personal hygiene including washing or disinfecting your hands well. If you have coughs, make sure to wear a mask. If you do not have a mask, cover your mouth and nose with your sleeves when coughing. Wash or disinfect your hands after coughing. Install Self-Quarantine Safety and Protection app on your phone ※If you do not own a mobile phone or refuse to install the app, you will be quarantined at a facility. ※If you violate self-quarantine rules, such as leaving the quarantine area, you will be required to wear a Safety Band. This wristband will wirelessly connect to the Self-Quarantine Safety and Protection app. If you refuse to wear a Safety Band, you will be quarantined at a facility.

SELF-QUARANTINE GUIDELINES Appendix 3 to COVID-19 Response Guidelines 9-2 Edition Do not leave the designated quarantine area. Visitors are not allowed in self-quarantine area. This includes family members who do not live with you. ※ For special circumstances such as caregiver visits, contact your public health center officer first ※ Please comply with quarantine rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Under Article 79-3 (Penalty Provisions) of Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act, quarantine violation is punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year or by a fine not exceeding KRW 10 million. Make sure your living space is physically separated from others Ventilate your room frequently by opening the window with the door closed Eat alone Use a separate bathroom and sink if possible (Shared bathrooms and sinks must be disinfected with a home disinfectant such as chlorine bleach after use) If you need to leave your quarantine area for an essential reason such as getting medical care, contact your public health center officer first. Avoid all forms of contact (conversation included) with other people in your household. If such contact is unavoidable, keep a 2-meter distance, wear a mask, and face away from each other. If there are other people living with you, make sure that everyone in your household wears a mask at home at all times. (You can take off your mask if you are in complete physical isolation from other household members.) Use your own personal items such as towels, tableware, mobile phones, etc. Wash your clothes and bedding separately from other people's laundry. Wash your tableware separately from other people's items before letting other people use your items. Follow personal health and hygiene guidelines. Strictly maintain personal hygiene including washing or disinfecting your hands well. If you have coughs, make sure to wear a mask. If you do not have a mask, cover your mouth and nose with your sleeves when coughing. Wash or disinfect your hands after coughing. Install Self-Quarantine Safety and Protection app on your phone ※If you do not own a mobile phone or refuse to install the app, you will be quarantined at a facility. ※If you violate self-quarantine rules, such as leaving the quarantine area, you will be required to wear a Safety Band. This wristband will wirelessly connect to the Self-Quarantine Safety and Protection app. If you refuse to wear a Safety Band, you will be quarantined at a facility.

*다국어 지원 협력: 한국국제보건의료재단(KOFIH) 민관협력사업부

본 공공저작물은 공공누리  출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다 본 공공저작물은 공공누리 "출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지" 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.